Destiny 2 - Bad Dog - Weapon Ornament for Leviathan's Breath (Exotic Bow)

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Published at : September 29, 2021

A showcase of the exotic weapon ornament 'Bad Dog' for 'Leviathan's Breath', an exotic heavy bow from Destiny 2. This video includes a side-by-side comparison of this weapon ornament (skin) with the default weapon model.

The Bad Dog exotic weapon ornament for the Leviathan's Breath exotic bow was added in Year 3 (Season 8 / Season of the Undying) of Destiny 2 in 2019.

It is permanently available for purchase from the in-game Eververse store for Silver, the premium currency. It can also be one of the random rewards from an Eververse Engram or be offered for purchase via Bright Dust, the earnable currency.

0:00 Weapon models in the menu
0:04 Hip-fire
0:19 Aim Down Sights
0:38 Holstered
0:40 Ultraclocked Shot


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Destiny 2 is a free-to-play online-only multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed by Bungie.

#UltraclockedOrnaments #UltraclockedDestiny2 #Destiny2 Destiny 2 - Bad Dog - Weapon Ornament for Leviathan's Breath (Exotic Bow)
destiny 2destiny 2 bad dog ornamentdestiny 2 leviathan's breath