How to Change background and match the color using Photoshop | Blend subject with any background

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Published at : September 05, 2021

At first, select the subject. You can use any selection method you like. I always use the pen tool to make any kind of selection. This method takes a lot of time but it is more accurate than any other selection method. After you select the subject use a layer mask to cut out the subject.

Then copy and paste the subject to the background image.

Use any adjustment you like to match the color. I recommend using a curves adjustment layer to match the colors. Curves in my opinion is the most effective adjustment to match colors. Blur the background to add depth and use a gradient to add some vignette effect.

After you have matched the subject with the background using the camera raw filter to make some global adjustments. you can use others adjustment layers to enhance the image.

0:00 intro
0:15 select the subjects
2:12 paste the subject to the background
2:50 match color with background
8:17 global adjustment

Photo by Tuấn Kiệt Jr. from Pexels:
Photo by Anton Atanasov from Pexels:

Download the final PSD, subject PSD, and the sample images using the link below:

Music credit
Stellar Wind - Unicorn Heads [ YouTube Audio Library ]
Parasail - Silent Partner [ YouTube Audio Library ]
Path of the Fireflies - AERØHEAD
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
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Music promoted by Audio Library

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Thank you. How to Change background and  match the color using Photoshop | Blend subject with  any background
change backgroundmatch color with backroundblend subject with background