Mom thinks i am an angel
Published at : September 22, 2021
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“Mom! Come and see this!”
Mom came bustling from inside the house to the back yard.
“Aren’t they pretty? Look, they’re eating from the birdhouse that I made,” my eyes sparkled.
“You’re such a thoughtful girl, honey. Those birds are so lucky.”
I beamed at Mom who smiled at me before heading back inside. I inched my way towards one of the birds and held it. I went to one of the bushes in the back yard and removed a cage, which I secured the bird in.
“You’ll get me a pretty penny at the pet store.”
Hi my name is Sofia. Give this video a thumbs up and smash that notification bell so you will know when more of our amazing stories are uploaded.
I love my mother with all of my heart. She would alway boast to other parents and teachers about how well behaved I was, how I was always obedient in classes and always brought home excellent grades. My sister was an only child for a while and was adopted because my parents thought they couldn’t have children. When she was about six, Mom got pregnant and in nine months birthed a gorgeous baby girl, me. Dad, however, passed away when I was ten years old and even though Mom tried her best to keep us happy, I still felt a void in my spirit.
In Middle School, I began to pull pranks on other children and sometimes even teachers and then blame it on the kids who always got in trouble. It was remarkably easy since I was the quiet child in the class and got straight A’s. One time I told Mom that I had to get to school early to complete a group project and I covered the entire classroom in foil. Another time I attached a rubber snake to the teacher’s cupboard so when she opened it the snake jumped out. The teacher was out for two weeks with a sprained ankle.
Nobody suspected it was me, well no one besides my older sister, Paula.
“Sofia, did you have anything to do with the foil prank?”
“The what?” I looked up from my books and stared at her blankly.
“You know, the person who covered the entire classroom in foil..”
“No, I have no idea what you are talking about.” I focused on the homework in front of me.
“So why did you have Mom buy you all those rolls of foil? And why did you have to go to school so early this morning?”
“Well, I had to get there early for a group project. We are making solar panels in Science class.”
“You may have everyone else fooled but I know it was you.”
“Innocent until proven guilty. For someone who wants to be a lawyer you should know that,” I smirked.
My sister shook her head and walked away.
You see Paula was in High School and I in Middle School but we were on the same compound. The pranks spread like wildfire and the more they spread the more pranks I did.
When my sister was in high school there was one prestigious college that she and her friends wanted to get into. When the time came, they all applied and waited anxiously for their acceptance letters. About six weeks later Paula’s friends began receiving their letters. Finally, hers arrived! She was ecstatic and Mom and I were proud. However, her joy turned into sadness a few weeks later. She once again tried to tell Mom that I was responsible for a prank that was pulled at school but Mom didn’t believe her. Furious, I decided to teach my snitching sister a lesson.
Spanish https://bit.ly/3ljA5lO
German https://bit.ly/2QnDRfw
French https://bit.ly/2QqWbV6
Our second channel
Story Time Animated 2 https://bit.ly/34E34uR
“Mom! Come and see this!”
Mom came bustling from inside the house to the back yard.
“Aren’t they pretty? Look, they’re eating from the birdhouse that I made,” my eyes sparkled.
“You’re such a thoughtful girl, honey. Those birds are so lucky.”
I beamed at Mom who smiled at me before heading back inside. I inched my way towards one of the birds and held it. I went to one of the bushes in the back yard and removed a cage, which I secured the bird in.
“You’ll get me a pretty penny at the pet store.”
Hi my name is Sofia. Give this video a thumbs up and smash that notification bell so you will know when more of our amazing stories are uploaded.
I love my mother with all of my heart. She would alway boast to other parents and teachers about how well behaved I was, how I was always obedient in classes and always brought home excellent grades. My sister was an only child for a while and was adopted because my parents thought they couldn’t have children. When she was about six, Mom got pregnant and in nine months birthed a gorgeous baby girl, me. Dad, however, passed away when I was ten years old and even though Mom tried her best to keep us happy, I still felt a void in my spirit.
In Middle School, I began to pull pranks on other children and sometimes even teachers and then blame it on the kids who always got in trouble. It was remarkably easy since I was the quiet child in the class and got straight A’s. One time I told Mom that I had to get to school early to complete a group project and I covered the entire classroom in foil. Another time I attached a rubber snake to the teacher’s cupboard so when she opened it the snake jumped out. The teacher was out for two weeks with a sprained ankle.
Nobody suspected it was me, well no one besides my older sister, Paula.
“Sofia, did you have anything to do with the foil prank?”
“The what?” I looked up from my books and stared at her blankly.
“You know, the person who covered the entire classroom in foil..”
“No, I have no idea what you are talking about.” I focused on the homework in front of me.
“So why did you have Mom buy you all those rolls of foil? And why did you have to go to school so early this morning?”
“Well, I had to get there early for a group project. We are making solar panels in Science class.”
“You may have everyone else fooled but I know it was you.”
“Innocent until proven guilty. For someone who wants to be a lawyer you should know that,” I smirked.
My sister shook her head and walked away.
You see Paula was in High School and I in Middle School but we were on the same compound. The pranks spread like wildfire and the more they spread the more pranks I did.
When my sister was in high school there was one prestigious college that she and her friends wanted to get into. When the time came, they all applied and waited anxiously for their acceptance letters. About six weeks later Paula’s friends began receiving their letters. Finally, hers arrived! She was ecstatic and Mom and I were proud. However, her joy turned into sadness a few weeks later. She once again tried to tell Mom that I was responsible for a prank that was pulled at school but Mom didn’t believe her. Furious, I decided to teach my snitching sister a lesson.
