ഉമ്മ വീട് V/s ഉപ്പ വീട് | mom's home V/s Dad's home | vlog | clever mindzz

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Published at : September 16, 2021

This is just a friendly competition🤞. I wanted to upload my both tharavad veedu🏡 in youtube so badly , because it will never delete from this , so it will be useful to our coming generation 👨‍👨‍👧‍👧👩‍👩‍👦 to see their tharavadu veedu . And I enjoy very much while recording 😇 this vedio but not when editing 😬as usual .

cameraman : One and only incredible piece
me 😎
places : mom's home : pallikkal bazar
dad's home. : pulikkal
edited by : VN editing app
music. : from telegram and youtube ഉമ്മ വീട് V/s ഉപ്പ വീട് | mom's home V/s Dad's home | vlog | clever mindzz