[World Flipper] Beginner + Progression Guide, JP Resource Walkthrough, Team Building 101, Priorities

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Published at : September 11, 2021


Welcome to the beginner guide, progression guide, whatever you want to call it. In this video, we have a look at all of the different guides that are available to us, and I add some commentary, because otherwise I would just be reading guides on YouTube which is kind of cringe. We also go through some Team Building, looking at each of the factors that go into building a strong team. Lastly, we look take a quick look at upcoming banners and the gacha strategy behind it.

For reference, I'm currently playing World Flipper (ワールドフリッパー公式) on the global server, on LD Player 64-Bit.

As always, thanks for watching!
✨ About Me
My name is Lacieyl, but Lace is fine, and I predominantly play mobile & gacha games. My current main games are Princess Connect! Re:Dive, Alchemy Stars, and Punishing: Gray Raven, but I also cover gacha content generally. I enjoy action and fast paced games as well as slower, strategy games. Otherwise, I sometimes make gaming skits and all that, but that's not what we're focusing on here! Consider subscribing if this sounds right up your alley :O
✨ Links
• Global Release Reroll Guide by underl1ght: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PB5ByqtllnlcDCUqWkil7LJc96WR76KEeM-4yd91hYg/edit#
• Progression Guide by nemi: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gParEsz_GsETHyjunJ9mBz7tgKfkUOmueopR4UUp274/edit
• Global Team Building Guide by Pecan: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/2/d/e/2PACX-1vTw80hJzgAEQdGXl2DajLp9opuDxMaFcwehJm9jFij3_U45ViL8v7lgBd8B_RFG__or_bYTL5LUXpdW/pubhtml#
• World Flipper Collection Tracker: https://eliya-bot.herokuapp.com/
✨ Support the Channel
• World Flipper on LD Player: https://www.ldplayer.net/games/com-kakaogames-wdfp-on-pc.html?n=19685472#utm_source=aff&utm_medium=aff&utm_campaign=aff19685472
✨ Socials (need to copy and paste links)
• Website: https://lacieyl.net​​​​​
• Main YouTube (skits): https://www.youtube.com/lacieyl​​​​​
• Twitch: https://twitch.tv/lacieyl​​​​​
• Instagram: https://instagram.com/lacieyl​​​​​
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/lacieyl_​​​​​
• Byte: https://byte.co/lacieyl​​​​​
• TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lacieyl​​​​​
• Discord: https://discord.gg/xh2VUXb​​​​​ (copy and paste link into browser if it doesn't work)
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Sleepy Fish - Schoolgrounds https://chll.to/6a1ac67e​​​​​

#worldflipper​​​​​ #beginnerguide​​​​​ #cygames [World Flipper] Beginner + Progression Guide, JP Resource Walkthrough, Team Building 101, Priorities