Communication Ethics | Jucel Lou Bayucot

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Published at : October 22, 2021

Video Lesson Title: Communication Ethics | Jucel Lou Bayucot

We need to learn about good ethics because they guide our decisions, make us who we are, and determine our future. The role of ethics in our society is very important because it is the basic beliefs and standards that make everything run smoothly. Ethics give us comfort that the business deal will not fall through.

Ethical issues of business communication is the way by which individuals or groups of people exchange information between them. From end-to-end the process, effective communicators try as clearly and accurately to pass on their ideas, intentions and, objectives to their receiver.

I hope that you learned from the video lesson.
See you in my next video lesson.

#communication ethics
#what is communication ethics
#communication Communication Ethics | Jucel Lou Bayucot