CS Opt - Out Dec 21 find the quick solution of your questions in 1 Min , check Discription Box #icsi
Published at : October 08, 2021
CS students, Opted-Out August 21 Exam to December 21 exam. Here's some clarification points:-
1. They don't need to fill the examination form again. Need to direct download Admit card, whenever it's available.
2. They can add and Exchange the module but can't delete any module.
3. They can change the examination centre, medium, for that have to pay some fee, once the exam form will be opened.
4. Confirmation of Opt out - Please check latest video on YouTube channel.
5. If you're old syllabus Student so you can give in old syllabus only, Dec 21 would be the last attempt in Old syllabus.
6. While filling the exam from, if your registration was valid and now it's expired so then you don't need to apply for Denovo for Dec 21 session.
If I missed any of the point, please comment on any video, I'll reply there
If you haven't started your study yet then you can give a quick start with Unacademy ( the best option), you can use code ICSI10 to get 10% discount on subscriptions.
Thanks ❤️ keep doing Hard.
Join Telegram Group for CS - https://t.me/icsiliveupdate or search CSI LIVE UPDATE
Join the Facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/icsiliveupdate
For more updates follow me on Insta - https://www.instagram.com/rajan_singh_mr_r/
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12567042/
Free CS Notes - http://gestyy.com/eoUjHT
CS JOB and Vacancy for CS trainee - http://gestyy.com/eoUjXq or Join telegram Channel
Only for Business – icsiliveupdate@gmail.com
Notepad I use - https://amzn.to/3g439NZ
Books Normally I read - 1. https://amzn.to/3saraoU
2. https://amzn.to/3saraoU
3. https://amzn.to/2RpcQfz
The Bag that I use for my Professional work - https://amzn.to/3mFOABr
The Guitar used in my Background - https://amzn.to/3a4oxPl
A Laptop I use for my Work – https://amzn.to/328nJok
The Pen I Use When some important work - https://amzn.to/3a4rak4
My office at my Home Table - https://amzn.to/3g16XPV
Some earning tricks for students, without paying anything:-
Have you heard about CashKaro.com, You will get the 25 Cashback on signup with this link, try it out: https://cashk.app.link/BH7Ur8Kh5jb you will earn extra cashback, when you shop, pay bills, do recharge, and much more.
PhonePe app! You will get Rs.100/- when you do your first payment using UPI.
Download the app through this link - https://phon.pe/ru_rajabvlr9
CRED app!! you will get Rs. 250 towards your credit card bill this month. Sign up on CRED (official sponsor of IPL) using this link and claim the cashback and other rewards when you make your first payment - https://app.cred.club/spQx/ced1902f
Google Pay!! You will get Rs.21/- free when you send your first payment. Here’s the code (Fg8et) and link - https://g.co/payinvite/Fg8et
Getting into crypto has never been so easy, sign up on CoinSwitch Kuber using this referral.
Hurry, you will get Rs. 50 worth FREE Bitcoins. Use this link - https://coinswitch.co/in/refer?tag=5uH4S
PI Network App !! Signup: Just Open daily And Collect Pi Reward (Showing in the screenshot with green color) Link: https://minepi.com/rajpicz Refer
These are some important link:-
How to purchase/order the books -------- http://gestyy.com/eomCAS
what is ROC training --------- http://gestyy.com/eomCAd
how to Fill the examination form ----- http://gestyy.com/eomCSN
how to check Prmirilary enrollment ------------------- http://gestyy.com/eomCDf
what is Syllabus of CSEET --------- http://gestyy.com/eomCI2
How to Upload the pending documents --- ------ http://gestyy.com/eomCDD
what is Email Etiquette--------------------- http://gestyy.com/eomCDK
know about the E-MSOP ---------------- http://gestyy.com/eomCAe
How to become a Lancinate ---------------- http://gestyy.com/eomCFu
How to apply for Re-registration ------------------ http://gestyy.com/eomCFA
Thank you and Love
Mr. R
#Rajpicz #csdecexam #ICSI #icsi #live #training #the_insttitue_of_company_scretory_of_India #member #student #CSEET #Foundation #Executive #Professional #CS #Icsi_live_Update
#2021 #2022 #2023
of_company_scretory_of_India #member #student #CSEET #Foundation #Executive #Professional #CS #Icsi_live_Update
1. They don't need to fill the examination form again. Need to direct download Admit card, whenever it's available.
2. They can add and Exchange the module but can't delete any module.
3. They can change the examination centre, medium, for that have to pay some fee, once the exam form will be opened.
4. Confirmation of Opt out - Please check latest video on YouTube channel.
5. If you're old syllabus Student so you can give in old syllabus only, Dec 21 would be the last attempt in Old syllabus.
6. While filling the exam from, if your registration was valid and now it's expired so then you don't need to apply for Denovo for Dec 21 session.
If I missed any of the point, please comment on any video, I'll reply there
If you haven't started your study yet then you can give a quick start with Unacademy ( the best option), you can use code ICSI10 to get 10% discount on subscriptions.
Thanks ❤️ keep doing Hard.
Join Telegram Group for CS - https://t.me/icsiliveupdate or search CSI LIVE UPDATE
Join the Facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/icsiliveupdate
For more updates follow me on Insta - https://www.instagram.com/rajan_singh_mr_r/
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12567042/
Free CS Notes - http://gestyy.com/eoUjHT
CS JOB and Vacancy for CS trainee - http://gestyy.com/eoUjXq or Join telegram Channel
Only for Business – icsiliveupdate@gmail.com
Notepad I use - https://amzn.to/3g439NZ
Books Normally I read - 1. https://amzn.to/3saraoU
2. https://amzn.to/3saraoU
3. https://amzn.to/2RpcQfz
The Bag that I use for my Professional work - https://amzn.to/3mFOABr
The Guitar used in my Background - https://amzn.to/3a4oxPl
A Laptop I use for my Work – https://amzn.to/328nJok
The Pen I Use When some important work - https://amzn.to/3a4rak4
My office at my Home Table - https://amzn.to/3g16XPV
Some earning tricks for students, without paying anything:-
Have you heard about CashKaro.com, You will get the 25 Cashback on signup with this link, try it out: https://cashk.app.link/BH7Ur8Kh5jb you will earn extra cashback, when you shop, pay bills, do recharge, and much more.
PhonePe app! You will get Rs.100/- when you do your first payment using UPI.
Download the app through this link - https://phon.pe/ru_rajabvlr9
CRED app!! you will get Rs. 250 towards your credit card bill this month. Sign up on CRED (official sponsor of IPL) using this link and claim the cashback and other rewards when you make your first payment - https://app.cred.club/spQx/ced1902f
Google Pay!! You will get Rs.21/- free when you send your first payment. Here’s the code (Fg8et) and link - https://g.co/payinvite/Fg8et
Getting into crypto has never been so easy, sign up on CoinSwitch Kuber using this referral.
Hurry, you will get Rs. 50 worth FREE Bitcoins. Use this link - https://coinswitch.co/in/refer?tag=5uH4S
PI Network App !! Signup: Just Open daily And Collect Pi Reward (Showing in the screenshot with green color) Link: https://minepi.com/rajpicz Refer
These are some important link:-
How to purchase/order the books -------- http://gestyy.com/eomCAS
what is ROC training --------- http://gestyy.com/eomCAd
how to Fill the examination form ----- http://gestyy.com/eomCSN
how to check Prmirilary enrollment ------------------- http://gestyy.com/eomCDf
what is Syllabus of CSEET --------- http://gestyy.com/eomCI2
How to Upload the pending documents --- ------ http://gestyy.com/eomCDD
what is Email Etiquette--------------------- http://gestyy.com/eomCDK
know about the E-MSOP ---------------- http://gestyy.com/eomCAe
How to become a Lancinate ---------------- http://gestyy.com/eomCFu
How to apply for Re-registration ------------------ http://gestyy.com/eomCFA
Thank you and Love
Mr. R
#Rajpicz #csdecexam #ICSI #icsi #live #training #the_insttitue_of_company_scretory_of_India #member #student #CSEET #Foundation #Executive #Professional #CS #Icsi_live_Update
#2021 #2022 #2023
of_company_scretory_of_India #member #student #CSEET #Foundation #Executive #Professional #CS #Icsi_live_Update
