Shocking visuals from Singhu border | Hand Chopped off, man tied to barricade | Corpse on display

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Published at : October 21, 2021

Mojo Story's Zaffar Iqbal breaks down the shocking visuals emerging from Delhi's Singhu Border, the site of the Farmers Protests, where a man was hung on a barricade after his hand was chopped off. As per initial reports, a group of Nihang Sikhs are being accused of the attack, taking to violence after an alleged desecration of the Guru Granth Sahib. More details are awaited on this developing story.

Warning: This video contains images that could be disturbing

#SinghuBorder #FarmersProtest #NihangSikhs #GuruGranthSahib

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For more videos: Shocking visuals from Singhu border | Hand Chopped off, man tied to barricade | Corpse on display