Sinema's Approval Rating In Complete Freefall After Siding With Corporations

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Published at : October 08, 2021

Democratic Senator Kyrsten Sinema has gone from being a well-liked politician by her constituents to someone that they are ready to kick out of office at any moment. Her approval rating has now fallen 21 points this year, putting her underwater with the people she depends on to win reelection (in 3 years.) The reason for the drop couldn't be any more clear, as her constituents want her to speak for them and not for corporations. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Well folks more polls have come out showing that Arizona Democratic Senator Kyrsten Sinema's approval rating is still in a total free fall. From June to September her approval rating has basically continued to fall below 50%, June July-ish, it was about 48%. Now it's down to 46%. So it's a slow decline, I guess, if you want to call one point per month a slow decline. But keep in mind, earlier this year she was over 60% approval. So she's fallen a lot in a very short amount of time and now of course, it's just steadily continuing to go down. And of course the respondents in this poll, the people in the state, they know exactly what's happening with Kyrsten Sinema. She is bowing down to the corporate lobbyists. She is pledging her loyalty to corporate money and she is screwing them over. She's not doing the job that they hired her to do and they're getting off about it and rightfully so. And again, this is unique to Kyrsten Sinema in the state of Arizona. Biden still has a positive approval rating in Arizona. Mark Kelly, the other Democratic Senator in Arizona, still has a positive approval rating. Kyrsten Sinema does not.

And again, it's super simple. She's making a spectacle of herself. Other reports, by the way, that have come out in the past couple of weeks, show that the voters, the Democratic voters in the state of Arizona are tired of her antics. They're tired of her bringing unnecessary and unwanted negative attention to their state. I mean, hell, after all the state of Arizona has got enough negative attention on them right now with that sham of a ballot audit from cyber ninjas. But now they get even more because Kyrsten Sinema's out there teaming up with Joe Manchin, flush with corporate cash, screwing over the entire Democratic party and by extension, the entire population of the United States who aren't going to get the very good things included in that three and a half trillion dollar spending bill. That's on her. It's on Manchin as well. It's on a couple other, you know, a handful of other individuals out there, but she's the one taking the spotlight right now, because at the beginning of this year, nobody thought it was going to be her. Everybody thought it was going to be Manchin. Manchin proved us right. She was the shock. She was the surprise. And she has drawn the attention on herself. You know, wearing that little ring that says F off in the picture that she posted on social media.

We get the message. Giving her little curtsy thumbs down when she voted against the $15 minimum wage that her state overwhelmingly approved of. It's all theater. It's all political theater for her and I am truly starting to believe that Sinema is a lot like Marjorie Taylor Greene, just, you know, on the other side of the aisle to a degree. She's not crazy by any stretch of the imagination. She's not evil. But she wants the attention and she doesn't care how it get, how she gets it. She doesn't care where it comes from. As long as she gets it, that's all that matters. And that is exactly like Marjorie Taylor Greene. Sinema's not going to get any better, by the way. She's not going to suddenly have a change of heart. She's not going to return all that corporate cash. She has shown us who she truly is. And over the course of her career, she has proven, and this is before she even came to the Senate. Sinema's Approval Rating In Complete Freefall After Siding With Corporations
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