Waystalker Swiftly deals with Rasknitt's Horde [Cataclysm PS4]

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Published at : October 11, 2021

Sword and Dagger is not my preferred weapon because of the lower reach/stagger compared to spear. 5% crit chance is better than 5% attack speed here because of the higher finesse multipliers, as well as the dual attack on heavy 2 being used as an anti armor weapon. Two weapon strikes means two chances for crits to happen. I needed to run something with higher armor damage, especially something with high burst, because of swiftbow. The attempt I made right before this run was steamrolled by a Chaos Patrol and the Spear/Swiftbow having such low superarmor damage.
Swiftbow - 10% Skaven/ 5% Crit Chance - Scrounger
Health/BCR/Boon of Shallya - Boon because of console hordes having less temp health available.
10% Skaven/10% Armor - Fastest way to deal with SV.
30% Stamina Recovery/5% Crit Chance

15% Crit chance gives near limitless uptime by just shooting enemies. If you have a WHC or Huntsman providing 5% more crit chance then Waystalker has a one in 5 chance to restore 5 ammunition.

5 - THP on cleave is better than headshot or crit due to ease of use.
10 - Arrows cause bleed because I wasn't aiming for an in and out of melee like Bloodshot promotes. The 15% attackspeed on headshot was considered, I opted for bleed because I was familiar with it. If I try this again I will use the attack speed because it can boost DPS by a good margin. I was afraid to run out of ammunition and wanted to play it safe. Shooting off into the void, or just missing, means you can't get any ammo back from scrounger.
15 - Enhanced Power because ranged damage boost.
20 - Team Heal is the best option by far.
25 - Bonus cooldown is better ult uptime, better ammunition gain.
30 - Kurnous' Reward because ammunition is easily spent by swiftbow.

Looking back I think scrounger was possibly too much. Running Hunter would give better damage output, while also having great ammunition resupply with Kurnous' Reward ult. Swiftbow on Legend can easily solo pretty much every enemy before your team has a chance to touch it.

How I rate the Swiftbow:
Role: Horde damage, Elite and Special damage, Monster damage, mobility
Reach out and touch: 7+2 (Boosted by Waystalker's damage drop off, good accuracy otherwise)
Damage: 6 (Does okay damage to everything, hunter might be preferred to scrounger)
Pants Down Avoidance Factor: 6 (The lack of burst damage up front can lead to specials/armor getting to attack once or twice)
Sustain: 6+3 (Normally an okay choice for sustain, Waystalker's kit can boost this score quite high. It's easily possible to do an entire run without ever using melee on Legend. The high capacity allows the bow to be used on ungor archers without feeling bad)

Reach is a combination of accuracy and damage drop off.
Damage is just overall damage to all targets.
PDAF is a general metric for how a weapon does under pressure and reload speed.
Sustain is the ability to deal with specials, elites, and monsters, all while never needing ammunition from outside sources. Waystalker Swiftly deals with Rasknitt's Horde [Cataclysm PS4]
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