Cantabile Sacra Fifty-Nine, Paul F. Page

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Published at : November 09, 2021

I dedicate this recording to my organ friends around the world. So James, Rémi, Vidas, Jerry, Graham, Phil, Ralph and many others, thank you for your support and inspiration.

I chose the Święta Lipka organ (Hauptwerk) again for another beautiful composition from Paul Page. The organ, the works from Paul en I fit together like a glove.

“Like the dawning of the morning, On the mountains golden heights…
Like the breaking of the moonbeams on the gloom of cloudy nights…” - Frederick W. Faber, 1814-1863

I you like my organ performances, please consider to buy me a coffee. I buy new Hauptwerk sample sets regularly to keep my channel exiting. You can help me with that! :-)

#orgue #orgel #churchmusic #pipeorgan #classicalmusic #hauptwerk #organ #orgel #orgue #pipeorgan #churchmusic #romanticorgan #classicalmusic #meditation #paulfpage Cantabile Sacra Fifty-Nine, Paul F. Page