Use This To Earn Money With Your Gaming PC

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Published at : December 04, 2021

If you have a decent gaming PC and you are NOT using this in the future, you are leaving profits on the table. This app allows you to monetize your unused GPU processing power to earn cryptocurrency.

Imagine loading up your favorite play to earn game AND also earning crypto on the Gamin platform for allocating your extra processing power. Now THAT is big brain thinking!

Check Out GAMIN:

0:00:00 Setup
0:00:06 Welcome Martin Speight
0:00:37 About Martin Speight
0:03:10 About Gamin
0:07:58 GMRX Token
0:11:56 Exchange Listing
0:14:39 Cheif Gaming Officer
0:17:43 Any Last Words?

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Creating a decentralised processing system

Global reliance on the digital ecosystem requires adoption of technologies that deliver cost effective, timing and reliable processing of transactions. The process must be secure and transparent ensuring the integrity of the transaction.
Large scale data processing must deploy solutions that validate the integrity and security of the transaction, whilst providing an element of visibility that validates transparency whilst maintaining the confidentiality of the transaction originator and recipient.
Technology solutions are available to deliver secure and transparent services to industries however the biggest barrier is access to processing power. Centralised data processing centres are one solution but are not without their risks and problems; a decentralised data processing solution mitigates the issues and risks experienced by centralised operations.
A company with a solution to decentralise processing power, harnessing the global availability of underutilised processing devices, creating a scalable solution as demand grows and falls whilst delivering rewards to all stakeholders will significantly benefit from this global problem.

The Markets

The Digital Revolution has created new markets with a huge demand for globally distributed processing power. These include:
• Artificial Intelligence • Cryptocurrencies • Node as a Service • Blockchain • Video rendering • AR/VR/MR • Al intensive applications • Scientific computing simulations • Social Media and Content Sharing • Holographics • 3D Printing • Internet of Things (loT) • Robotic Process Automation • CGI and 3D modelling • Video transcoding, editing and image processing • Hosting and running Paas and laaS • "Supercomputer" rental
Each industry has its own data processing requirements and approach to technology implementation. Developing a solution that selects the most profitable application at the right time and builds a dynamic network of suitable processing devices creates a scalable service for industrial data processing.
Artificial intelligence drives the business solution for globally distributed data processing. Using a combination of current and historical data to determine the most profitable use of available data processing power to deliver a processing requirement enables a company to maximise its profitability and return the maximum possible rewards to stakeholders.

Powering the Game The Gaming Industry
GAI M IN has identified a source of available distributed processing power, capable of being harnessed to create a processor power supply network capable of delivering large scale decentralised data processing solutions - GPUs found in gaming PC's.
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