A Decent Pokemon Adventure | A Review of Pokemon Legends: Arceus

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Published at : November 13, 2022

Fun but flawed.

Alerts/DP Artist: Artryuu - https://twitter.com/artryuuu?lang=en

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Special Thanks:
✰Daniel Jeffrey✰
Henri Dias
Justin Cichy
Sovereign of Sabers
James Zaki


00:00 Intro
00:48 Catching
04:39 Gameplay Loop
10:30 Battles
13:33 Difficulty
15:27 Story
18:59 Nobles
20:20 Story pt2
23:56 Post Game
25:51 Graphics
27:22 Pokemon Scale
28:03 Jubilife
29:58 Player Character
31:15 Music
31:55 Exploration
32:16 Subsequent Playthroughs
32:45 Outro

#pokemon #legendsarceus A Decent Pokemon Adventure | A Review of Pokemon Legends: Arceus
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