A truck driver gave a lift to a nun on the road, You won't believe how she thanked him...

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Published at : December 14, 2022

A truck driver gave a lift to a nun on the road, You won't believe how she thanked him...

It's a truck driver who gave a lift to a nun on the road, and you won't believe how she thanked. Well, life on the road is a real box of surprises. No one ever knows what they might find in the next kilometer, much less who to trust at the point of giving a ride. However, when Antônio came across a nun asking for a ride in a dubious place, He thought about denying it, but his conscience said otherwise. He had no idea how she and Antônio had been truck drivers for over 20 years. Among all the successes and hardships that he had already gone through in his life, no moment had been as difficult as the one he was experiencing.

The truck he used was rented and old, and for that reason, in addition to not being the ideal vehicle to pick up large loads for freight, the little he received was just enough to pay the already overdue bills and make the purchase for his wife and children to spend the month as he was away from home most of the time. He still needed to use a significant amount of their income to guarantee food and accommodation for the trip, and also always have a reserve

A truck driver gave a lift to a nun on the road, You won't believe how she thanked him... A truck driver gave a lift to a nun on the road, You won't believe how she thanked him...