Civilian killings reduced considerably from 37 in 2020 to 30 in 2022 in J&K: Govt in LS | Studyias
Published at : February 09, 2023
The Government today said that the security situation has improved significantly in Jammu and Kashmir in recent years. In a written reply in the Lok Sabha today, the Minister of State for Home Affairs Nityanand Rai said the government has zero tolerance for terrorism and has also taken various measures to protect the lives of the civilians in Jammu and Kashmir. He said, the number of security personnel killed in action has significantly reduced from 62 in 2020 to 31 in 2022.
He added that civilian killings have also reduced considerably from 37 in 2020 to 30 in 2022. He said that since 2020, a total of 108 civilians have been killed while 135 security personnel also lost their lives during the same period.
Elaborating on the various measures being taken by the government to protect the lives of civilians, the Minister said that round-the-clock nakas at strategic points have been set up, cordon and search operations have been intensified.
He said, Central Reserve Police Force has imparted necessary training to over 900 Village Defence Guard members in collaboration with the Jammu and Kashmir Police in the hilly district of Rajouri.
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He added that civilian killings have also reduced considerably from 37 in 2020 to 30 in 2022. He said that since 2020, a total of 108 civilians have been killed while 135 security personnel also lost their lives during the same period.
Elaborating on the various measures being taken by the government to protect the lives of civilians, the Minister said that round-the-clock nakas at strategic points have been set up, cordon and search operations have been intensified.
He said, Central Reserve Police Force has imparted necessary training to over 900 Village Defence Guard members in collaboration with the Jammu and Kashmir Police in the hilly district of Rajouri.
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