I'm Back and I’m moving!…visit my new apartment | update vlog.

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Published at : October 19, 2021

Hey guys, it feels like its been aaages since I last posted a video of my own here! Feels good to be back, with a bit of an update and some exciting changes ahead!

00:00 Life updates and what's been going on
05:55 Visiting the new apartment
09:35 New day, routine and getting my Vax
13:10 My cosmetic surgery experience and regrets
15:14 Gym, kids
18:23 Getting ready and shooting content!

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thepatricia...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PattyOLovesU
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For business and sponsorship opportunities please contact patstrueworld@gmail.com

* Some links are affiliate, meaning that if you care to purchase any of the products with the link in the description box, I make a small commission, it does not change the price in any way, however it enables me making more content without having to do as many sponsored videos. I am not paid or asked to use these links. I'm Back and I’m moving!…visit my new apartment | update vlog.
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